I don't know if you can get YouTube while on your mission. This is an inspirational video about a man that spoke yesterday at a fireside for both the Medford and CP Stake youth. He also spoke to the women on Saturday morning. His story is pretty amazing. I love how full of joy he is. His name is Kacey Mccalister , he is a RM and lives in Oregon. I sent you an article from the June 2004 New Era which he is on the cover of. What I love most is that he is a great example that we can do hard things joyfully with faith in Christ.
Check out this video on YouTube:
Random thoughts-I plan on taking the kids to the Provo Temple open house this weekend. It will be a ton of driving for me but hopefully it will be a spiritual experience for the kids. Christian sent me a couple of pictures of the boys. They are getting so big! I can't wait to see them again. I feel a summer road trip coming on, I hope! The girls basketball team had a fundraising opportunity at the expo this weekend. I have included a picture of Nauvoo helping unhook the fish. For whatever reason I can't seem to attach pictures in this email I will do them in the next one. Dad got lost motorcycling on a mountain with Jeff yesterday. Well I think they just wanted to explore because the weather was decent. I have picked up a handful more of sign language, it is kind of cool to be able to understand a little of another language. At the RS event on Saturday a sister blessed the food in Spanish and I felt myself feeling so close to you in that moment. Brother Devlin has cousins that live in the Canary Islands on Tenerfie like you. He is going to find out what city and when they'll be there so you can teach them. Is there anybody in your teaching pool right now? Adam Huntsman spoke today in Sacrament, it was great to hear his testimony and a few of his experiences. My gma got pneumonia and was in the hospital for a few days. She is doing great now. My parents have been in the RV for the last several months. They are near gmas now and will be home this coming weekend. Malachi makes a lot of videos and tried to send you some. Hopefully they work. I love you, happy leap year day!
J'taime Toujour,
Sent from my iPhone
Hey beautiful Mamma! This week has been pretty cool! We have given one of our investigators a fecha for baptism! We are really excited for Felix, that is his name. He needs to stop smoking, but I think that he will. The work is going really well and we are getting a pretty good circle of of friends. (Investigaters, Menos Activos and Recent Converts). I read a talk about Jesus Christ and his Resurrection, I think its really cool how everything fell into place for it to happen, I love it. I love that you guys get to go to the new temple maybe y'all can visit with Karly when you're there! I haven't been to the temple since forever. It's crazy that today I have been here for 5 months already! I love you mom for all the letters I hope that you guys are doing really well and that everything in the ward is going great too! I love everybody and I miss y'all a montón (a lot) and I cant wait to talk to you on mothers day!
Love Moroni
David B. Haight
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
On this glorious Easter mornin g, I rejoice with you anduntol d millions of people throughou t the world whosehearts are tu rned to Jesus of Nazareth. To theSamaritan woman at Jacob’s Well who said, “I know thatMes sias cometh … : when he is com e, he will tell us allthings” came Christ’s declaration, “I that speak untothee am he.” (J ohn 4:25–26.)
Many of the heavenly directed events leading up to andfollow ing the crucifixion of our Lor d have been narratedby the ear ly Apostles and other witnesse s.
According to these accounts, J oseph, a rich man fromthe vill age of Arimathaea and one of t he Sanhedrin, didnot openly de clare his belief in Jesus, as he feared theJewish authoritie s. But now sorrow, as well asi ndignation, aroused his courag e. He asked Pilate if hecould take away Jesus’ body. Pilate gave permission.
Nicodemus—a noble disciple who had visited Jesus atnight les t someone might see them toget her—assistedJoseph. They wrapp ed Jesus’ body in fine linen, togetherwith spices, according to the Jewish custom ofprepar ing a body for burial. They la id the bodyreverently in the r ocky niche of a tomb in a gard en thatbelonged to Joseph. The tomb had never been used. Itw as the day before the Jewish S abbath. (See John19:38–42.)
The next day Pilate gave permi ssion for the tomb to becarefu lly guarded until the third da y, so the disciplescould not s teal the body and then tell th e people thatJesus had risen f rom the dead, as had been prop hesied.The chief priests and P harisees made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and leaving a guard on watch. (SeeMatt. 27 :62–66.)
Before daylight the next morni ng, Mary Magdalene andMary the mother of James, having prepa red fresh spicesand ointments, went to the tomb of Jesus and foundthat the stone had been rolled away. Looking in and no tfinding the body, they hurrie d to find Peter and theApostle s and told them what they had found. Peter andJohn hastened at once to the tomb. John outr an hisolder companion. Stoopin g down, he gazed in silentwond er into the empty tomb. Enteri ng, Peter saw theburial clothe s lying where the body of Jesu s once lay.And then John follo wed him. And in spite of fear, theredawned upon them the hop e, which later wouldbecome an absolute knowledge, that Chris t had indeedrisen, but as yet no one had seen him. The twowo ndering Apostles returned to t heir brethren.
Mary stayed at the tomb and wa s grieving at theentrance when someone approached. Thinking it wasthe keeper of the garden , she asked where he had laidh er Lord. Jesus said to her, “ Mary.”
Jesus himself was standing bef ore her, but he did notappear as she had known him; he was n ow risen andglorified. She the n recognized our Lord and must haveattempted to embrace him, for he said, “Touch me not;fo r I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to mybrethren, and say unto them, I ascend un to my Father,and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
Filled with amazement, she has tened to obey andrepeated that glorious message which would give hopethrough all future ag es and to which she added herp ersonal declaration that she h ad seen the Lord. (SeeJohn 20: 1–18.)
Later, women carrying spices f or the final preparationof the body for burial....
His email ended here but the talk can be seen and heard in it's entirety by clicking the play button above or found on LDS.org
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