Thursday, October 27, 2016

Happy Birthday???

I love you so much!!! Happy birthday 🎈
Rick left on Sariah's birthday and is home now on yours. Enjoy these pictures.

He asked lots about you. He seems great and shared a bit about his mission. Best two years of his life. Don't get homesick, we'll all be thinking of you and be here when you return. Love who you are with, what you are doing, and who you represent.
Have an amazing day!
Much Love,

Sister Pack called me on Moroni's birthday.  She is his mission mama and wife to the President.  At first, I was thinking oh no, what did he do? Light a birthday cake with firecrackers? Burn the apartment down? I didn't say any of this I was just preparing myself. I was wrong.  She said that she knew he had been struggling with his health for a little while and at first wondered if it was a case of the lazies or depression, so she was getting ready to give him a swift kick in the rear, but wanted to do a little investigating herself first, so she asked all of his previous companions what kind of worker he was and about his character.  They all reported back that he was top notch missionary. She asked him to have some blood work done.  She sent the results to a doctor in Germany who assists the missionaries. He said that it is amazing this kid can even get out of bed.  His thyroid is practically non-functioning and he needs to see a specialist right away. She told me Moroni had an appointment set for Monday and they would probably start him on a hormone replacement therapy that he would have to take the rest of his life.  She asked for a family health history. She then told me not to worry. She said when she calls him that night to wish him a happy birthday she will relay my love.  I am grateful she called and have not heard from her since. I am going with the no news is good news theory!

Sister Pack,
It was lovely to speak with you this afternoon. Thank you for taking care of my son and all the missionaries!  After we spoke, I called my mom and it turns out my family does have a history of thyroid issues. 
My mother has four brothers and three sisters. One of her brothers has thyroid and goiter issues. He had an iodine deficiency test by spreading iodine on his skin and seeing how quickly it absorbed, his within a few hours, determined he was deficient. He remedies his issue by taking iodine. All three of my mother's sisters had their thyroid removed in their thirties and forties.  My mother is the only one who still has hers and only starting having issues in her sixties. She takes a hormone replacement pill every morning at 6:30 on an empty stomach.  I had my full work up as part of my annual in February and mine is working normally. I was deficient in Vitamin D and tested positive for Lupus, but have not had any symptoms from that. I did notice a picture of Moroni a while back where he kind of looked like an oompa-loompa, he was very orange compared to his companion. I will find the photo for you just in case it is a symptom. This is all the information I know of that might help. 
Kimberly Beal

This picture came in his letter dated August 15, 2016

Turns out this was when he was severely sick and they believe his kidneys and liver were shutting down.

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